Hi there! I go by the name Araenu, but you can call me Ara. It is a pleasure to meet you!I am a self-taught artist in traditional and digital mediums, originating from the UK. I specialise in freelance commission work for private clients. I would like to one day see my novels published, and run a patron-centric site for those interested in following my work.I’ve been interested in fantasy, sci-fi, and biology all of my life, and would often read storybooks and science encyclopaedias, watch nature documentaries, and draw made-up creatures in my free time at school.

It is only recently. that I found a niche to sell my art in, and I hope to build it up from here! I appreciate every person who supports in my journey, and hope that I can bring bigger and better projects along the way!If you have further questions, please check my FAQs or contact me via Discord.

Frequently Asked Questions

❤️ What art program and tools do you use for your digital art?Procreate on the Ipad Pro (12.9”), with the Apple Pencil (2nd Generation).🧡 What do you use for your traditional work?A simple biro/ballpoint pen! I like the scratchy look that cheap pens give, and enjoy shading with them as well.💛 How long have you been drawing for?Since 2008, roughly. Since I was 8 years old. My early art consisted of tiny little drawings on the corners or the back of my school books.💚 Will you draw my character for me?Yes! Please consult my commissions page for pricing.💙 You are writing a book?Yes! It’s a very long-term project that will be a trilogy in a high fantasy setting. It follows a boy named Namir, desperately trying to save his adopted daughter from a deadly disease, whilst the world around them falls into darkness. It begins when a star vanishes from the sky.A lot of my OCs are actually from this project, you can follow it at Project Worlds Beyond.💜 Where does the word ‘Araenu’ come from?The Araenu are a sapient species in my book. They live in a hemisphere on Aeula permanently shrouded in nightfall, known as the Nocturn. Their homeland is called Insomnis. Araenu are headstrong and stubborn people. but they make up for it in high stamina and intelligence, and an attuned sense of night vision.



So, you’re interested in commissions? That’s great!
I’d love to work with you to help bring a character or idea to life.
I offer a varied selection of preset commission types to help make it easier to determine minimum price quote. If you think that none of these work for what you have in mind, feel free to DM via Discord or Twitter to discuss a custom commission, and I will happily help to build you a quote.

CHIBINeed a cute, simple piece of your character? Chibi is the perfect choice, each character comes fully coloured, shaded, and is available with a white, flat colour, or transparent background.Full body…………………..£35
+ Extra Character…….£10

FULL BODYWant a piece of your character done in a colourful, eye-catching style? Upgrade from Chibi to Full Body, drawn fully coloured, fully shaded, and available with the same options, but with the extra choice of a background scene.Full body…………………..£85
+ Extra Character…….£50
+ Simple Background Scene………………………..£40

COMPLEX SCENEWant a detailed world for your character to be in? This type is for you! The only limit is your imagination, I can help with everything else.Starting at.............................£135+†
+ Extra Character.............£50

(†Quoted price is dependant on complexity of project)

REFERENCE SHEETPrices and factors to be determined.

Notice: Custom built quotes are available! This commission type is fully customisable.The starting price will get you everything shown in the first image:- Two poses
- Three closeups (e.g. paws, character details, clothing etc.)
- Character info
- Colour palette
Starting at.............................£100+†
Basic Package.....................£100
+ Additional poses.............£20 each

(†Quoted price is dependant on complexity of project)

ADDITIONALSPlease take these additional prices into consideration, based on the project you wish to commission.+ Majority Artistic Liberty - Character Design…………….£50 per character
+ Shorter turnaround time (Max. 4 weeks)…………….…….£35

Past Commission Projects

Terms of Service

By commissioning me for work, you agree to the following terms of service:I. GENERAL TERMSI) Please provide clear references, and descriptions regarding the details of the commission. If you can, try to separate different details into different paragraphs so that the entire overview of the proposed project is not a wall of text.II) Poor behaviour or mistreatment of the artist will not tolerated, and the commission will be cancelled if such events occur throughout the process.
Please respect the artist, there is a person on the other side of the screen! :(
II. PAYMENTI) All payment MUST be payed upfront before the commission is started, and via PayPal in British Pound Sterling (GBP/£) or converted to this currency for the agreed amount.II) The commission payment request will be invoiced to you; stating the amount to pay, type of commission, and any important details regarding the project.III. PROCESSI) Work in progress will only be given if the client requests it throughout the process, or the commission price is over £75. WIPs may be provided throughout the project if the artist has some enquiries on some details.II) Projects can take up to 3 months for completion, from start to finish (Unless a rushed deadline has been agreed upon). You are entitled to check in on progress at any time throughout the project.III) Some factors may cause delay to progression, and include:
Order of Commission on Queue, Complexity of Project, or Family, Health, & Work issues
If a factor will affect the project time schedule, you will be notified of the delay ASAP.
IV. CUSTOMER SATISFACTIONI) I will do everything that I can to satisfy your commission requests and details, so that you, as the customer, are fully satisfied.II) Changes required to a completed commission will affect the final product, and potentially cost more to the final price depending modification needed:a) SMALL changes to a piece are free of charge.
(e.g colouring/marking changes, anything that will require a quick fix)
b) LARGE changes to a piece will come with an additional charge that will be calculated.
(this includes outfit addition/subtractions, postures, backgrounds etc., basically anything that will require a large overhaul to correct.)
V. CANCELLATION/REFUNDSI) As the artist, I hold the right to cancel and refund your project at any point of the project, should the circumstances be required.II) After payment has been received via invoice, and the project is started, full refunds are NOT available.III) The commissioner is entitled to cancel the commission ONLY if payment has not yet been sent. If such a circumstance arises, please let me know that your project is no longer required, and cancel the invoice. You do not need to tell me the reasons behind your cancellation, just that you are no longer seeking to continue the project.VI. USAGEThe commissioner is entitled to:I) Claim the rights of their character(s), if it belongs to them, but not the picture itself.II) Print out, and use for personal use only.
(unless both parties have consented to a different agreement)
III) Use the art to promote themselves, with full and proper given credit to the artist.The artist (Araenu) is entitled to:I) Use the artwork produced to promote self on social platformsII) I cannot claim the rights of your characters, but I can claim the rights of the artwork produced.VII. QUOTE VALIDITYQuotes are valid for exactly three (3) months for a project. If you decide that you need more time to think it over, or wanted a quote for price reference, your quote will last for this long exactly.After this date is passed, you will need to recieve a new quote for your project.Thank you for your understanding, and agreement to these terms :)